P r i m o r d i a l  








"This will change you for the rest of your life, this isn't anything you can find anywhere else, this is the real deal. And you will transform, shed, die and rebirth as the woman you have always been beyond all conditioning." - Rowan



You want to taste the radiance, vitality + power of your Woman Self   so that the life of your dreams becomes your waking reality?


  • YOU DESIRE TO HAVE AN INTIMATE + NOURISHING CONNECTION WITH YOURSELF. You are done with the self-criticism, mean inner dialogue and all the ways you dishonor + abandon yourself. This is where you fall in love with your uniqueness + let your magic shine out so that your soul sisters + the union of your dreams can find you.

  • YOU DREAM OF OPENING YOUR WOMB TO ORGASMIC PLEASURE. All women want to experience a healthy womb + a hearty sexual fire burning within. The days of trying to get to orgasm through the mind are over - we explore dimensions of pleasure embodied here in our wombs. When we surrender our need to control, she can show us a juicier, deeply delicious place of pleasure. Orgasm is just the beginning - beyond lies an entire untapped universe of erotic sensation.
  • YOU KNOW YOU ARE MEGA TAPPED IN + YOU DREAM OF SHARING YOUR *TRUE* MEDICINE WITH THE WORLD. You were born with healing hands. You've always been able to see + feel what others cannot. It's time to remember that you came into this life with specific multidimensional gifts + tools to support you on your path in this lifetime. This is where you reclaim the ancient-future wisdom of your lineage once more + come out of hiding... all. the. way. Your ancestors + descendants are here to support you on your path - this is the place you learn to lean into their loving hands + open to the guidance of your legacy.

  • YOU HAVE A BIG DREAM IN YOUR HEART + HUNDREDS + THOUSANDS OF WOMEN TO SERVE. You came here to make a BIG impact - the way you make art + make love matters. You are ready to face yourself at the deepest level because you know you can only take your clients as deep as you've gone - and that there is more beneath the surface that is calling you to root into your feminine being. She is the wild creature within you that will keep you in check as you scale in sacred service. You know you are done living in your masculine + ready to root all the way down into your primordial feminine intuition. Your feminine longs to flow at her pace + you know bone deep it's time to listen.

I *thought* I was listening to my womb - until the day I heard her scream "stop abandoning me!"


I was doing all the right things to get my "body back" after pregnancy - working out hard and starving myself on juice cleanses. Until one day I slipped on the ice sledding with my kids, and my uterus prolapsed (which is a nice way of saying the opening of my yoni was now covered).

Why? Because I wouldn't face my childhood sexual trauma or birth trauma from "trusted midwives", and I definitely didn't want to accept the fact that my marriage was over and there was no one coming to save me. So when my womb called me forth, I panicked. I was immobile for months and had pelvic pain for another year afterwards. I didn't know if I'd ever be able to race with my kids again. I worried I would never be able to make love without experiencing pain again. I cried myself to sleep praying for the answer.

And the answer came. She called me to close the temple doors of my womb; there was work to be done. I stepped into a 3+ year journey of celibacy that would transform everything I thought I knew about myself, my womanhood and this earth plane. I dove head first into the deepest, darkest places within me. Through the thick goo of shame, resentment, and guilt and into the pristine waters of power, passion and prophecy.

I forgave myself and others. I healed my daddy issues and uncovered a newfound (and ancient) devotion and love for the masculine. The physical symptoms of itching, burning and discharge vanished. My womb was purified and a sense of safety reclaimed, allowing me to access states of orgasmic bliss with grace. And above all, a sense of power, truth and belonging was remembered.

My womb had to scream to get me to listen to her guidance, and I'm so glad I did. For she led me to the life of my dreams - living sovereign with my wild boys in the lush, tropical jungle in a union only God could have chosen, and living my prophecy of supporting women in coming back home to their wombs, their dreams and their True Feminine Frequency.

You have yet to meet the most powerful version of you - a woman who is rooted in unshakable trust in herself + her intuitive gifts.

This is the place you turn your heart in Her direction.

This is the place you face your fear of letting go of control + learning to trust the unknown.

This is the place where you create a relationship with your true + natural feminine way of being.

This is the chapter where you remember how to flow with Her, as Her.

Charlotte George


“Primordial Womb is an experience beyond language. Everything has shifted. Everything has amplified. I am like an animal, with ears twitching in the wild. Finally, I have found something real. For me, each step forward with this has been terrifying. And with the freeze of terror, before each step Autumn has appeared beside me, spacious, kind and fully aware, to let me do it my way. The responsibility of full presence with my deepest, deepest listening is something I had begun to doubt possible.  And to meet someone with more acute listening than my own, when it comes to steering me toward myself, has completely blown my mind and has restored my faith and what is possible for humanity as a whole.


I’m careful with each step forward. I’m vigilant. I know how to look after others like no one else. I’m the one who has your back. I find a place deep in the jungle and I birth alone. And now someone is doing this for me. Autumn can hear the crack of each stick I step on from the other side of the world. I would trust no one else to midwife me back to myself. What an absolutely phenomenal experience.”

Gianna King


"I came into Primordial Womb with the intention of doing a deep excavation of all that had been left untended, ignored and bypassed in my years (and lifetimes) as a woman. I wanted to truly unearth, not only the excess baggage of my womb, but her wisdom. I also came into this program with several physical symptoms; a rectal prolapse from birthing two children and an inaccessible cervix, tucked and tilted so far back as to be out of reach.


Autumn gently guided me to the very seat of my own personal oracle and I came back with clarity on specific plant medicine, prayers and blockages that needed to be cleared. It was after sitting in a single divinely guided ceremony with myself and my womb, that I experienced a complete spontaneous healing of my prolapse and cervical/uterine positioning! Even though I had heard stories and believe these things are possible, I was (and still am) amazed, incredulous and totally awe-struck to have experienced it myself. The power we have to be our own healers is profound if we know how to listen to the oracle within.


My experience Primordial Womb was of doing some of the deepest, darkest self- exploration while being held in the coziest, most deliciously safe container of sisterhood and mentorship. Autumn is a masterful weaver of many threads: song, voice, story, somatics, sacred witness, lineage, prophecy, divine codes and more. You will not find another like her. Being immersed in her medicine for the past 3 months has ignited profound shifts for me, not only in my physical womb, but my embodiment of sacred union, and it is all truly just the beginning. I will sing my praises from the roof for this precious woman and her gifts! Thank you, thank you thank you."

Chantelle Aitchison


“There aren't many words to express the depth of gratitude I have for Autumn. Her fearless, raw, beautiful wisdom and truth has shifted so much for me on the deepest levels. In how I show up for myself, how I mother, how I am in relationship and how I serve the women in my world. 


I truly believe we can only take people as deep as we've gone ourselves and I feel like an entire ocean of depth opened up within me and that I have so much more peace and grace with how I navigate these waters. This journey has been such a profound homecoming. THANK YOU for this sacred work.”

Rachel Reed


"I experienced a full body YES when Autumn announced this course, Primordial Womb. The name alone shook me to my core as I felt the expansive energy behind it. I breathed through the fear response attached to time and money and chose to dive in. I learned and honed the power of safety and how much information, guidance and beauty is available for me when I’m deeply connected to my womb. This connection has initiated me into a more radiant and authentic woman. 


I've come to have a felt sense of my soul song, a deeper connection with my lineage and a true knowing of my place as a daughter of God. I've experienced a huge recalibration into my feminine essence and received tools to cultivate more feminine maturity, a gift that will continue to give long after this course is complete. Autumn is absolutely and fiercely loving and capable of holding such a deep space of remembrance for powerful women, shining the light of truth and making it playful and delicious."

Brina Stone


"Autumn's medicine runs deep. It is the kind you can feel in your bones. The kind your womb has been longing for. She holds the perfect sweet and raw tincture of wisdom, intuition, vulnerability, authenticity, passion and humor. The circle of sisterhood is potent medicine in its own right, with a sweet circle of curated sisters who each carry their own special magic.


The practical somatic tools and bonus masterclasses weaved in makes the journey even more holistic. This is the multidimensional journey into the magical realms of your womb that you didn't know you've been waiting for. Jump in."

Primordial WOMB


The most potent ancientfuture technology isn't AI babe

- it's your womb.

In this 6 month intimate training, you are going to meet your multidimensional medicine + turn it all the way UP!

On the other side of facing the womb pain + trauma of your lineage line is the sovereignty, aliveness + belonging you've been praying for. When you stop running from your true primordial power + turn your heart in Her direction, every facet of your life begins to shift + change.

Your womb is divinely wired to guide you in creating the life your soul desires for you. You've tasted your power... but you know there is still more that you cannot see, cannot reach on your own. You are here to leave a legacy of light + will do whatever it takes to uncover the brilliance of your heart. 

Your union, family, community + God all deserve to experience you as the primal, wild + earthen woman that you came here to be. This is where you give yourself full permission to live life as your True Self - untamed, fiercely loving + free.


A woman who is connected to her primal power, womb-sense + embodied in her magic is unstoppable. Sister, this is where you remember who the fuck you are.


Each woman has her own personal Oracle - it is the voice of her Cervix


  • BECOME THE BOLDEST, MOST EMBODIED VERSION OF YOU. You are done watering yourself down, babe. You want to be seen, heard + felt as the powerful woman you know you are. This is where you fully claim Her.

  • UNDERSTAND YOUR WOMB ON A QUANTUM LEVEL. Her voice, her flow, her knowing. You are ready to lay down your egoic desires at the feet of her wise council. After all, your cervix is the talking stick of God - come hear what she has to say.

  • HONE YOUR PRIMAL INTUITION + BECOME THE HUNTRESS OF YOUR LIFE. Women KNOW. Activate your innate GPS system + remember how to navigate your unique path with curiosity, wit + devotion. Say goodbye to ever questioning yourself again.
  • RECLAIM THE ANCIENTFUTURE TOOLS OF YOUR LINEAGE LINE. Call forth tools and rituals from your ancient ancestors + tap into the guidance of your future children. This is where you dip your hands in legacy. Step out of the "me" and tap into the wisdom of the "we".

Welcome to the World of Womb


Phase 01:

Placenta Prophecy - Retrieving Your Origin Story

As women, it is our innate nature to continuously flow through the life/death/life cycles. Our placenta is the keeper of our origin story; we will go to her to retrieve keys to unlock core codes of your true feminine frequency. Your Mother Wound is going to come up - this is the place we go in + heal this split with our soothing, loving balm.

Phase 02:

Your Cervix is the

Talking Stick of God

Your cervix has a face + a mouth; she is the voice of your intuition. Lay down your ego, leave the chaos of the mind + sink down into the soft, velvety embrace of your own personal Oracle. This is where we unlock our Oracular Vision; our ability to see in the dark. She is the tap-root of your ancient knowing. Confusion is a thing of the past once you learn to trust your cervix to guide you.

Phase 03:

The Chalice Womb - Devotion of the Spheres

Your womb waters are a sacred well + your pelvis is the chalice. Learn to use your blood to complete cycles + break curses/spells on your lineage line. Cleanse your inner waters of past lovers, return to grace + baptize your womb in preparation for your beloved + children. This is the place you make peace with your inner union + tune your heartstrings to the truest song of love.

Phase 04:

Erotic Innocence - Flowing from Pain to Pleasure

Your erotic innocence is the purest force within you - which is why it's been feasted upon. Here we face our womb trauma, forgive ourselves + reclaim our birthright to feel the pleasure states + orgasmic bliss vital to our feminine nourishment. When you hydrate your pussy, life flows in a new way. Lay new foundations of safety so your lovemaking + self-pleasure can become a holy act of remembrance, in alignment with your womb's deepest desires + divine design.

Phase 05:

Lineage, Legacy + the Descendants as a Lighthouse

Your ancestors are at the oars behind you, you can't see them but they can see you + they are propelling you forwards. Your future children are here right now, guiding you towards them. Learn to expand into the quantum to retrieve wisdom from the ancestors + descendants as an ally on the path. You don't need a DNA test to find your place of belonging in your lineage line - they are here with you right now, can you feel them?

Phase 06:

The Multidimensional Medicine Woman

We've awakened our power, healing gifts + inner knowing. This is the place we expand our capacity to navigate in the quantum realm + activate our unique medicine bundle within. There is no more hiding; this is where you claim your fullest, truest Feminine Frequency + you shine as the brilliance you are. This is where you turn your unique light + magic all the way up! Otherwise how will your soul fam + clients find you? This is the place you *finally* show the world who you are.

MaĂŻa-Rose Uslaro Jemima Ashongowei


"The name PRIMORDIAL WOMB is not a mishap - as a Nigerian woman blessed to sit in global women circles, this sacred container, unlike any other, has cut through all barricades of difference and restored us women to the Primordial matrix of our original indigineity, The One Womb. This is the Rite of Passage that shatters the dams of Patriarchal amnesia and resurrects us into the chamber of truth that is our seat of untamed POWER.


The way the ancient wisdom and power of womb moves through Autumn's oracle, weaves itself through this circle and holds us within its vortex of transformation, is indescribable. I would love to return season after season, inviting  every woman and sister in my orbit to this altar because this is the place where our highest authority and the Wombanifestation of the deepest desires we hold as women, is finally fully reclaimed."

Cassidy Tackett


“What needed sharpening was sharpened. What needed to soften was softened. The fuzzy edges of my womb were cared for, heard, and restored to life through the way of sisterly connection, openness, lineage, remembrance and deep devotional love. The medicine inside of me was pulled out of hiding from the deep crevices and nooks of my being, and brought up to the surface to integrate into my everyday life.


Primordial Womb is an alchemical unfolding in the most intimate of ways. It is an initiation into the depth of walking this delicate life as a woman of truth and love. The passing of the torch of Womb from one woman to another. As I received and wept, Great Mother wiped the tears from my eyes and held my broken heart as it mended back together. My ears, my heart, my womb, and my love was completely transformed and expanded in the capacity to hold, listen, and to trust in a way that before I had only tasted.


Each week was a layer deeper, another piece unveiled, as I slipped off my old, worn dusty dress, and received another gold stitching for the new one I am weaving. Autumn is a true medicine woman guiding other powerful women back home to their wombs in remembrance of who they truly are; a unique daughter of God. Her wisdom from her life experience is felt directly through her medicine. There is nothing like Primordial Womb out there, I guarantee this! This is more than just a course, this is a deep calling from your core.”

RĂłisĂ­n Bourke


"Primordial Womb changed my art - from dipping my toes in my soul waters, to swimming deep in my multidimensional ocean. The whole program gently sang and cooed over all aspects of my being with remembrance and ferocious love. Before I stepped into Primordial Womb, I was feeling lost and looking for a deeper connection to myself and my art. I knew I had soooo much inside that wanted to be birthed, but I was flowing into upstream rivers.


Autumn  walked me to the rivers within that have been here long before I took my first breath, and showed me how to trust and flow with them and their architectures. This beautiful space has shown my body and my being that the path I've been searching for has always been right here. Autumn's container is no joke. She created a space of cellular remembrance, spell breaking and deep integration, all woven together. Your understanding of womb, sisterhood and life is going to be taken on a journey to a whole new level of being. Primordial Womb is a gift to women who are ready to remember."

Jackie Mirkopoulos



“When I first came to Autumn I wanted her to help me “balance” and return to my feminine. Little did I know it was not balance I needed, but more of a sinking. A sinking down into my cervix. She so beautifully and honestly guided me deep into my knowing, deep into the frequency of honey. A honey frequency that deepened my connection to my ancestors, that healed old wounds, that re-weaved a new architecture and story in my womb.


Our work together has rippled out into all areas of my life - business, relational, health, all of it. Autumn can hold and witness a lot and that was important for me, as I am a big, powerful and expansive woman. I am forever grateful for this Primordial Womb work. Let’s fucking go baby!”

Rowan Garlow


“Primordial Womb is like nothing you have done before, I can promise you that. Autumn is an incredibly skilled woman with a depth of knowledge and wisdom rarely seen in our society. She is undoubtedly a medicine woman who has lived and breathed what she shares. The way this course is designed is very intentional, you can tell every stage has a purpose for being where it is in the three month journey. This course will take you to places you've been afraid to journey, but you will be so held with women of great service and integrity.

Autumn is a well-trained traditional storyteller, which makes things viscerally easy to understand at a very deep level that often reaches beyond the conscious mind. If you want to embody deeper than you ever have before, this course will take you there, and with so much grace. She trusts you and your womb - to know the way home with the right conditions, conversations, journey work and community.

What she has created here does not exist anywhere else; this is one-of-a-kind and worth its weight in gold. I couldn't thank her in 10,000 lifetimes for the pieces of myself she helped me return home to. After Primordial Womb I have felt a deeper connection to my womb, my strength, resiliency, legacy, lineage, resources and softness. Autumn's knowledge about ancestral healing and the way she weaves this in so effortlessly is the greatest gift one could offer at this time in history. Love you Autumn, Thank you."

Mary Ofianos


“I came to Primordial Womb in a very fragile space. I was grieving the ending of a relationship and overwhelmed by uncomfortable news about my cervical health. I was also on the precipice of a life/death cycle with my professional work and life's calling. I was going to postpone participating in the program until next year, but my womb was calling out to me to work with Autumn "now".


I am so glad I listened to her and was able to experience this web of love, truth, and healing when I needed it most. I attribute so much of my readiness to receive the gifts I have been offered recently to evolving myself through Primordial Womb. I know my womb work is nowhere near finished, and has only truly begun which is so very exciting! I highly recommend working with Autumn to friends and clients who are ready to be held deeply and connect with some of the most amazing women, and their wombs like never before!”

When you join Primordial Womb you will receive:

Weekly Ceremonial Transmissions


Each week we will gather for a deep + luscious 2 hours of multidimensional transmission, story medicine + a guided exploration into the inner realms to see + retrieve. You've never experienced a call like this before - these transmissions run soul deep. Experience the magic of moving medicine in a live group field + find your place of belonging around the fire of lifetimes.

An Exclusive "Medicine Cabinet" of Tools


Each phase will include a video library of embodiment practices like qi gong and barrata latin dance, practical tools + guided inner landscape journeys to take you deeper in the teachings + support you in integrating this wisdom in a powerful way. Your tool kit is about to get an upgrade, babe. Bring your basket, because its about to be filled to the brim with keys + codes to help you understand your unique path.

A Private Group Chat for Your Burning Q's


You'll gain access to our Primordial Womb channel where I'll be answering your questions + shares everyday - and dropping some codes that I am picking up on in our shared group womb field. When we do womb work, stuff is gonna come up. But you don't have to wait until the next call to get some guidance - I got you. I serve my medicine a little differently... it's the kind that warms you to the bone. This is a great place to practice taking up space, speaking your truth + being witnessed in sacred vulnerability + imperfection.

The Sisterhood You've Been Praying For


This is the place you meet the conscious, powerful, no bs sisters you have been dreaming of. Each woman in this container is hand-picked to create a circle of women that can journey the depths of their wombs together in power, connection + truth. I promise you, the caliber of medicine + maturity of the women in this program is going to blow your mind... + definitely open your heart. Here we heal our sisterhood wounds + become skilled at sharing territory with other powerful, beautiful, talented + successful sisters.

And these bonuses:


  • ACCESS TO A MONTHLY COUNCIL CALL. This will be a space for you to come and practice sitting up tall in your medicine woman self in a circle of sisterhood. Learn the ancient architecture of the "talking stick" while embracing the opportunity to take up space and share from your heart (and womb) in a sacred way.

  • POWERHOUSE GUEST SPEAKERS. I'm bringing two of the most potent leaders I know teaching on true feminine energetics right now. This program wouldn't be the same without dripping in some of their medicine; this is gonna shake the grids.

  • ACCESS TO MY MOST POTENT MASTERCLASSES + PLAYLISTS. For the sisters who are looking to go all the way + embody this medicine - I've got you covered. Enjoy dipping into some gem teachings from my treasure chest that are sure to make your eyes sparkle.
  • LIFETIME ACCESS TO THE WOMB MEDICINE YOU PRAYED FOR. Truth is, I'm just getting started. God has shown me that there is a feminine revolution happening + I'm honored to have my heart + hands in it. The online learning portal is over 100 videos deep and going to keep expanding + growing as you do. And it's here for you as long as you want it.

*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re aligned with this program. If you're the right fit for Primordial Womb, we'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrollment.

What the Women are saying:

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Alexandra Skoeld



“When I saw Primordial Womb I felt a full body fuck yes without knowing too much about it, and I am so glad I said yes. It’s a deep, beautiful, and very unique program. Autumn's stories, teachings, and the space she holds go far beyond the physical or mental, they reach into the deepest realms of your being. While my life has experienced many shifts, the real transformation has been within.


My dreams have changed, contractions in my body have released, and energetic blockages have lifted. Timelines have been healed, and I feel more connected to my womb, my ancestors, and my descendants. This has helped me break free from what was holding me back, bringing me closer to my prophecy and reminding me why I am here. Autumn is the most loving and compassionate, and her words of truth pierce through any layers of hiding. She helps you see what is in your deepest service, no matter how confronting it may be, and she holds you with so much love while you meet yourself there.


Autumn speaks from embodied wisdom and every word she speaks stirs something within that remembers. This program has opened up a new level of trust in myself, my body, and my path. It’s a journey beyond what your eyes can see, diving into the truth held in your womb. Primordial Womb will take you as deep as you are willing to go and has the potential to free you from what’s holding you back. Thank you, Autumn for creating this program, this is the medicine the world needs more than ever.”

Christine Church-Salaam


“My soul and womb felt the call of Primordial Womb. It felt like a soft thunder with an ancient remembrance that was pulsing through me. I knew Autumn and this mentorship was like nothing I have experienced before. I came home to the most truest essence of myself and my lineage.


I became a wife right before our mentorship began and was able to anchor into this holy initiation and deeper into my womb. Primordial Womb was the most honorable gift to myself, my union, my lineage and descendants and to all women.”

Eshani Zamboto


“Womb is in complete awe of my recognition of her. Deeply I listen and hear her. Sit in silence and praise her. This container keeps on giving, so much love, womb frequency, sisterhood. A gathering of such intimate souls. My womb is in gratitude and in sync with me now on my journey, my compass points north, she shows me her 5D blueprint, beautiful, bodacious, colors unimagined. She has guided me through my left and right lineages, showing me how my maternal and paternal bloods all equal up to the sum of mine, assisting me in clearing, what can only be cleared through direct communication to her.


Every somatic practice and inner guided meditation took me deeply into the yummy abyss of womb, clearing out gunky walls of trauma that I would have never known were there, clearing, clearing, clearing, until walls of obsidian began to appear. My womb jumped at the opportunity to join Primordial Womb and commune with like-wombed woman, women who’s paths are to bring in the ancient-new womb technologies that were not handed down from generations past.


Autumn has taught us things my great grandmother, grandmother, mother, sister, and friends have not shared/passed to me about our bodies, our very own womb waters. This womb reclamation was a remembrance that is etched into the walls of my womb, I shall never forget what I was taught here. I will curate safe spaces for our wombs, I will listen to my prophecy song which I now hear and live by daily. I have been transformed by The Womb, and I shall lift my voice, my heart, my pure love that emanates from it. I am forever grateful and I could go on and on, of how profoundly this program has shaped my womb, my life, the way I manifest, the way I make love, the way I mother, the way I see my strength as a WOMAN.


There is strength in knowing who you are, what the fuck you possess, and that GOD is your guide. Autumn will bring you closer to GOD, inside of your womb from internal to external. Don’t think about the cost if your womb calls you, the gift of this container will give you back soul-filled blueprints, priceless womb knowledge, sisters for eternity. Answer your calling, we need you NOW more than ever. My ancestors praise you, Autumn, for your assistance of me back to my true self, my whole womb. I will hear your golden nuggets and keys of womb ring in every decision I make.”

Carly Jade Popp


"After following Autumn's work for several months, I pounced on the chance to work with her when she released Primordial Womb. There was a deep knowing within me that sensed she was the woman to guide me into true connection with my womb and into a more loving, trusting relationship with myself. Each call with her, and the dear sisters alongside me, held an offering of a thousand keys unlocking the bountiful treasures that my womb has been wanting to uncover for what felt like lifetimes. The way Autumn articulates her knowledge and delivers the teachings is an art form in itself and I was captivated with every sentence she spoke.


As my inner connection to my womb deepened, my outer world reflected the changes I was going through. I started to listen in and life started to deliver some of my deepest dreams, realizations and healing into reality. Autumn is so nurturing and welcoming, and the safe space she holds so naturally allowed me to be in full trust from the moment I began this journey with her. Choosing this path was by far the best investment I'll ever make in this lifetime. Thank you Autumn for being the divine woman to bring us these codes of remembrance that we all so desperately need."

Carolyn Weaver


“Autumn is a very safe place. I felt very disconnected and very scared. I have felt safe and held in this space. I feel a true divine connection with the world of my womb now, and am deeply grateful for the gift of medicine in Autumn that has supported me in finding my way inside.


I now stand at the gate where my world awaits.”

Rebecca Furnell


“I was guided into Primordial Womb by one of my animal allies. I simply dove in without even knowing anything about Autumn’s medicine or her work. My body just said yes. Since journeying with Autumn in Primordial womb I feel like I have died many times and a new version of myself is still percolating and rising from the ashes. Autumn’s frequency and medicine of Jaguar in the last three months has guided me deep into a place within myself that I am now learning how see in the dark, to hold myself, and be seen in ways my mind cannot fathom.


I began my Primordial womb journey heartbroken and lost after a longterm relational break down and Primordial Womb, the sisterhood and Autumn’s medicine has been the soothing nectar for my soul. I now leave Primordial Womb feeling connected to my body, to God, to Jaguar and my truth. I have been diving into womb work for the last two years but this container made me realize I was merely swimming in the shallow waters. I feel so humbled that it’s only just begun.


My intuition has strengthened, my senses have amplified and my ability to know and speak my truth has given me the strength to stand up tall in myself again while simultaneously unfurled me into the softness of my heart. My cycles have changed, I used to experience long cycles with breast tenderness and womb pain and I no longer experience pain and my bleed feels empowering and blissful. My libido has been re-awakened and my sensual side feels safe to come out and I have given up my vices that were numbing me from feeling it all.


Primordial Womb reminded me of how powerful it is to have a womb and has inspired me to finally reach for my dreams with the backing and belief that I can support myself to travel the world. I have worked with many different ‘teachers’ and ‘facilitators’ but Autumn’s integrity, fierce truth, gentle heart, womb wisdom and playful essence has touched and awakened something within me that has been inaccessible until now. I recommend this container and Autumn’s work to all of my friends and to any woman who is craving to be guided back home into her own sense of sovereignty and of empowerment.”

 Letizia Cinque 


“My womb was calling me to meet her on an even deeper level and guided me to Autumn's work. Primordial Womb was a full womb yes for me. I knew that this program and Autumn were holding important keys to my path. What I've received was beyond what words can describe, and the deep connection and sisterhood I've been gifted during this container was so precious.


I was able to connect to depths within me where I had not yet travelled and met the unique frequency of my cervix and her song. Autumn is such a devoted and embodied medicine woman, she held such an incredible space where I've always felt so very seen and heard. She has the ability to lovingly call you back to your highest truth and remind you of the medicine that lies within you. I am forever grateful for Autumn's guidance and her work in this world.”

Serena Gee


“Autumn has a way of holding space that is simultaneously deeply safe for the darkest most shame-filled parts of ourselves, while also calling us to rise into the truth of our magic. She is a highly initiated medicine woman who holds the lantern as she walks alongside you with reverence for the medicine of your own womb. Her womb medicine appeared at the precise right moment, when I had gone as far as I could go on my path of healing + remembrance while avoiding this deep and painful place within me— where I’d shoved down so much rage, grief + also aliveness and bliss.


Autumn’s guidance brought me into connection with these deeply buried parts in a way that made me feel not only ‘not alone’ but reminded me how much I am a part of something enormous — a part of my lineage, of this earth + a part of the shared sisterhood of all women always + in all ways. She brought light, softness + compassion for parts of myself I have been deeply embarrassed + ashamed to admit even to myself, + also didn’t let me off the hook in that compassion to face with courage what I must face.


You can feel her intentionality + the prayers she has laid within every aspect of this container. This is the work of this age— Woman, descend into the dark underworld of the cosmic portal within you + know that you are held within wise, compassionate hands with Autumn."

[Client Name]


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Your womb is a multidimensional ocean - and you've been swimming in the shallow end.

Are you ready to claim the most powerful, radiant  turned-on version of your True Woman Self?

Bevin Slade


“Primordial Womb has been the teachings I've been missing and calling in for a while now. I've wanted to deepen and heal my relationship with my womb but didn't know how to go about it, or where to start. The depth of knowledge and wisdom Autumn provides in this program has given me so many insights and connected so many dots. It's what I've needed to move much deeper into my own being to heal and transform in the ways I've been desiring.


It helped me shift through so much. It helped me to embrace the death process and move through it with love and grace. It helped me come back to myself, and become more grounded in my being and body. It has given me a deeper understanding of what it means and what it is to be a woman and walk through this world as a daughter of God. It has pushed me and continues to push me to deepen my devotion to my own highest good. I am eternally grateful for the teachings and support I have found through Autumn and Primordial Womb.” 

Samantha Agar


"Primordial womb was the attunement to the authentic frequency of womb my being was seeking. Immediately upon stepping into the field I began having revelation of all the ways in which I was already listening to womb and just wasn't seeing. At the inception of this container, I stepped in to a death portal I did not see coming and starting walking deep in to my shadow realms. I believe my walk in to the darkness unfolding throughout the course of this container was so that, for the first time in my life, my most tender and painful parts could be held and witnessed in a field of love and honor, a field held by the authentic frequency of womb and a web of sisters, united.


I have been training to see in the dark my whole life and it has been laced with fear. Primordial Womb was the torch that helped light my way back to the safety of my womb and the safety of the feminine frequency, no matter how dark it gets. I now navigate and walk with more of the architecture and tools of my lineage in place and a deeper embodiment of my throne, my own primordial flow. Seek no more." 

Sophia Tollefson


"This has been a deep calling home. I’m witnessing this program transform me from the inside out daily. I’ve embraced my path as a mother, anchored in a whole new way with the deepest clarity and love! Everything that led me here into this space, and to you Autumn - the whispers and pulls from my womb and THE womb that’s been guiding my way all along, and that I’m now coming to know and hear with a deeper listening.


I had just come out of some deep medicine journeys and the next day Autumn came onto my path. I was pulled and quite literally called from my womb to join Primordial Womb. A resonance so deep, now I see why. The bigness of this work and what you/we are all doing brings tears to my eyes. The next sisters to step into this are in for such a quantum leaping, DNA altering, consciousness expanding TREAT! And we love a good treat haha. It is an honor to walk with you all."


Lora Fragniere


“I came to Autumn and Primordial Womb to make sure I was truly connected to my womb, her wisdom, and my own teaching as a mentor to other women. What I got from the three months of this program was far from what I had imagined, and I was served with the truth of how bad my "sister wound" was.


I learned to show up authentically in a (for me) big group of women. I learned what it is to truly find a place around a fire, and not play any games in pretending to be "this", "that", or "perfect". It was running so deep in me I never even realized until, somehow, Primordial Womb made it clear for me. I'm grateful for this beautiful experience that's far from over for me.”

Andra Coros


“Drumming and humming, hissing and stomping, chanting and dancing - while the ancient fire kept enchanting. An invitation. An initiation. To remember the darkness where it all began. That’s how the container of Primordial Womb felt like, a sacred gathering space of ancient souls, of maidens and mothers, coming together with tears and offerings, with their pain and their strength, with their raw and naked truth. We brought it all to the altar of the multidimensional womb where we all are weaving for generations to come.


Autumn held each one of us as we descended deeper into the unknown that holds all potential. The place in us that knows the truth of our prophecy. She carried the torch each step of the way, while the sisters kept their hands on your back for support. We traversed what felt like endless facets of Her power, our power, our reclaiming. Forever grateful for this space, where I met myself over and over again, witness parts of my expression with so much compassion and patience like never before. The codes of the womb are the ones that helped me on my journey of birthing HumanShip and bringing my light into the world.”

[Client Name]


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Cody Maher


“Primordial Womb came into my life at a super intense time. I am a new mother and was preparing to move into a home we had been building for many years. I am just starting a new business. Things are going wrong left and right and stress is at an all time high. Autumn and her offerings have been such a lifeline for me. She has a gift for helping you feel seen, heard, and held throughout all that life brings.


She is here, in the muck of the real world WITH you. Walking her walk. Her deep wisdom and compassion come from her true experience and what she has personally grown through. There is no pretence, no higher. I never felt judged. She is a sister sitting right next to you around the fire. This course is a lifeline for women. It’s hard to explain how, because it is rooted in the mystery, the womb. It’s an investment you will come back to to keep learning and soaking in for years, I know I will.


I love Autumn. One of my favorite humans I have yet to meet. She has given me a map for my true desires in life and hope for what sisterhood can look and feel like. She is true and real and here to shake the grids. You will not get “love and light” positivity. You will get nourishment and provision and knowledge that will change you on a cellular level. Run towards what she is offering if there is a glimmer of a yes in your heart. It’s a call to listen to.”

Primordial Womb

Group Mentorship



Your fave way to walk with Autumn.


+ Intimate group container

+ 3 months of weekly mentorship calls

+ Guidance and support from Autumn in-between calls

+ Primordial Womb Learning Portal (lifetime access)

+ Private sisterhood chat

+ Epic guest teachers and bonus masterclasses

+ 3 months of bi-weekly live calls in Autumn's integration container


Primordial Womb includes 6 months of mentorship.

The Jaguar Pass

1:1 Mentorship



Limited to 2 spaces per intake.



+ 3 months of weekly 1:1 sessions with Autumn

+ Deeply intimate level of sisterhood support

+ High-touch 1:1 support from Autumn in-between calls

+ Everything included in in Primordial Womb and so much more




The Jaguar Pass includes 6 months of mentorship.

Apply Now

All prices listed are in USD

Rachael Sparks


“Autumn’s announcement for the next round of Primordial Womb moved through my being on a cellular level. It was a visceral experience. I felt it in my blood like a homecoming call, stirring within something that had too long been left untouched. That something was a sense of communal belonging. Having been deeply in hermit mode for the past several years, I knew God was calling me out of hiding - was I willing to be brave enough to step out of my comfort zone?


I didn’t even have the finances for it, yet the pull was undeniable. Having talked my concerns through with Autumn one evening, later that night I got on my knees and declared my trust in God’s confirming clarity for all that was meant for me, and within less than twelve hours I had magnetized fully the money to me - I didn’t even need the payment plan! Being a part of Primordial Womb healed a significant wound of rejection on a community level for me. The sense of acceptance and sisterhood I received inside this circle was truly sacred. These women held me in such a real love that my soul is forever expanded because of them.


I feel like the wings of hope carried Autumn’s call into my life in pure divine timing. I cannot speak highly enough of this woman, of The One Womb. Not once did I ever feel uneasy in her company. Never did I need to question her ability to hold either myself as an individual, or us as a group. There was never a time when her integrity or her nurturing love wavered.  Autumn Rose is completely and genuinely who she is: an anointed holder of hearts. A deeply safe space with whom it is okay to unravel, for she comes and supportively embraces you along each tentative step, because she too has known the messiness.


I am eternally grateful to have had the privilege of Autumn guiding me back to unapologetically own my full feminine essence again - and for making it so much fun along the way! If you are ready to show up for yourself like never before, do not hesitate to step into the fire of lifetimes with her; Autumn will deliciously lead you back to your innate seat of primordial womb power through the truth of remembrance as daughter of God."

Sh'Vorn Hill


“Primordial Womb has felt immensely supportive, rippling through all aspects of my life. I’ve found a new sense of respect and honor for all women. Autumn has a beautiful, ancient warmth to her, every live call being in her presence brought me to tears. I’m celebrating as we soon move into integration, this is the beginning of walking as the woman I came here to be, prepared to continue deepening my relationship with my womb.


I knew Autumn was the one to show me the way to what I was deeply yearning for. Trusting the way showed me the power ready to be reclaimed and to move through life with a deepened connection to my ancestors, descendants, Holy Mother, Holy Father & womb. Autumn knows how to hold such a powerful field that rings deep truth and belonging.”

[Client Name]


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Alexandra Smith


"Autumn entered my life during a time of great victory + great grief. When our paths crossed I was at my highest peak. She assisted me in cultivating + fine-tuning the deepest medicine I had ever shared with humanity. Autumn called me forward into a deeper role with prophecy than I ever saw for myself. She held me through my whole pregnancy; a place of vibrancy + love. When I gave birth, my prophecy turned darker as my son was given only a few days to live. But with the grace of God, he ended up living for 6.5 months - a true warrior.


I share this because Autumn was the one who showed up for me in the darkest + brightest points of my life. She was the first to call + listen to me wail in my father's arms during my son's death transition. She held the strongest prayers for me throughout every peak + valley. You don't come across a woman like this often. Every container of hers holds you like this. It doesn't matter how dark the path is or how bright the sun is. Autumn will see you through it all. With steady hands, strong feet + a guiding heart + womb, her medicine is a gift to humanity.


She has changed my life forever in the most sacred ways. Autumn has shown me what true sisterhood is like; she held me through the deepest + scariest initiations of life + not once did she falter, or say it's too much for her. She sat there with me, shoulder to shoulder, through it all. I pray for whoever is reading this, that they too can taste the medicine Autumn so dearly shares. Because you deserve it. You deserve to be held + cared for on your path, through every turn + fork in the road. You deserve it. We all do."

Sa Ra Allen


"Autumn is such a beautiful soul. Over the last year I have been honored to be part of three of her wonderfully potent containers. She holds such a beautiful safe space + the way that she weaves her medicine into her stories + the raw truth that she shares, is always so vulnerable. All that Autumn teaches + shares  comes purely from her truth, her journey, her vulnerability + honestly, paves the way for others to go so deep.


Autumn has this unique + rare way of bringing through potent codes that literally illuminate + break the spells that we have been running for so long as a collective. I have healed so much emotionally and physically since working with Autumn!! I've been able to shine the light on hidden parts of myself, that even though I  have done extensive work upon myself, I was not aware of. She has guided me to look deeply into myself for ALLL of  the answers, taking my power back + reclaiming my sovereignty.


Autumn speaks from her truth, no pedestals, no pretense, no judgements. She shares her most intimate secrets + in her presence she makes you feel like you are in the company of an old + dear friend. I just love her work, you only have to watch her in action to see the frequency of the highest love emanating from her. Time + time again, I see the work I do with Autumn unlocking so much expansiveness + rippling out into all aspects of my life. Thank you so much beautiful sister for all that you do and give to the world."

Lauren Ray

"Working with Autumn has called me back home to myself, to my divine union, to my family + to God. It was a true remembrance of how to navigate my life with confidence, love + grace."

Katya Nova

"Working with Autumn is like sitting in ceremony with the cosmic mother + wise elder all at once. If you're reading this, don't hesitate another second, drop into her medicine - you've been led here for a reason."

Hannah Sophia

"Autumn is a force of love + creation. Her voice is intuitive + powerful + her connection to spirit has deep roots + wide wings. I can say, this is a woman with rivers of healing, story + song within her womb."

Sandra Matic

“Through divine alignment Primordial Womb showed up in my life during a time of calm & content. It‘s magnetic pole gently took my hand and danced me into a cave of red, juicy and ancient wisdom.

Through this program I realized that this cave is always here, just waiting to be entered.

Primordial Womb is a beautiful testimony of Autumn‘s oracular womb and heart of pure gold. What a time to be a woman! May we all remember our path and come back to the cave.”

Joanna Zlatanov

"Autumn has a way of holding space that is equally grounding + uplifting. Everything from her voice to her prayer to her spiritual connection is sacred. I was able to receive clarity on where I was neglecting my inner work + thus my womb + tune back into my feminine energy.

I felt so seen + safe in her container to open up + discuss topics that I don't usually speak about due to past traumatic experiences that have stifled my inner connection."

April Stone

"In my time working with Autumn I have retrieved so many pieces of self I had abandoned in an effort to live a practical life.

I have learned how to track prayer + prophecy like the big cat medicine that I carry, how to sit in my skin when it's not easy + how to take steps when I previously would have left my path.

Working with Autumn is laughter, synchronicity, fire + reclamation on a whole new level. Only say yes if you want to dive deep, release what's not yours + reclaim all that belongs to you."


*Once you click this button, you’ll be taken directly to the application. You’ll be asked a few questions to see if you’re aligned with this program. If you're the right fit for Primordial Womb, we'll reach out to you within 48 hours and discuss next steps for enrollment.

The woman you came here to be is just around the bend, but it is you who must walk towards her.